Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Green Monster and ACV

Alright...So... I've seen on Pinterest and Facebook that there are these green monster shakes and apparently they're supposed to be amazing and life changing. Well here I go on that! It's crazy to think that you could drink one of those things and actually enjoy it...I'M TELLING YOU, YOU CAN!!! I've only just started out so I haven't seen benefits yet but the taste is pretty good.
Some of you are probably like what the heck is a green monster...Well...It's spinach...YEP!! There are other things in it as well but its green because of the spinach!
Well here was my dilema with the recipes I was seeing, banana was in everything. I'm allergic to bananas...I know sad right?
So I set out on a quest to get a good tasting smoothie without the banana!!!!
Here is what I have created so far:
  • 1/2 Cup of Natural Apple Sauce
  • 1/2 Cup Pineapple and Pineapple juice (got it from a can, going to try fresh later)
  • 1/3 Cup Coconut Milk (helps with metabolism) I also use almond milk
  • Handful of Spinach
And you can add these if you'd like:
  • Tsp Hemp Middles (you can use flax seed as well we just have hemp)
  • Tsp FPP (Fosselized Phyto Plankton) (or Diatematious earth)
Put all of this in a blender and I put it on liquify and let it sit for about 30 seconds and I check to see if it is too thick, if not I drink it, if it is too thick I'll add more coconut milk.

None of my measurings are acurate, I seriously just put a bunch of random amounts of everything into my blender!

This one I call Pine-Apple hahaha get it??
I'm going to come up with more recipes without banana of course but anyone can have them and you can easily add a banana to most of them I'm sure!
So what I'm thinking of next is a berry one, and then also for the sweet tooth one that tastes like a chocolate shake...but without the chocolate! It's a work in progress but I'm going to do it!

I'd also like to add if you have an allergy to something in one of my recipes or in another one you've seen and you can't come up with a substitute shoot me a comment or email and I'd be happy to help!

Now you're probably like "Courtkne that's great an all...but what is ACV?" Well friend I'm going to tell you what it is.
A Apple
C Cider
V Vinager
And this is probably the point where you're like..."oh no she's going to tell us we have to make some sort of shake with it..." NOPE!!!! That would be disgusting if you ask me. But what I am going to tell you is that you should drink it! Not straight from the bottle like a drunk or something but what I've done is but a cap full in about half a small glass of OJ and drink it like it's a shot of tequilla and not the expensive kind, like the gross cheap stuff that someone thought it would taste the same :-D
Anyway! Drink it 1-2 times a day and it's supposed to flush out toxins and help your body detox and from the reading I've done on this some people have done this for years and it has helped with their weight loss and illnesses. All with a cup of OJ and vinager.
You also can put it in water or some people have said tea. I personally don't really like tea so I'll stick to OJ. OH and by OJ I mean orange juice, not the dude.
Well I'm done for today!!
Any question?
Email me at!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Crochet Diaper Bag!!

I made this diaper bag for my niece that is on the way and here is how I made it!
I did this with two crochet needles one was a K 2-6.60MM and a G 6-4.25MM. I'll explain which one I used where with each picture.

 For the white part I started with the K needle and did a chain and did alternating single crochet and double crochet all the way up but in the center I skipped every other one so I could weave the ribbon all the way around.
I did some triple crochets in the back for fun. But you can just stick to alternating single crochet and double crochet if you want.
Make the bag as big or as little as you want it really doesn't matter.
 For the straps I used a mint green and I just did single crochets with the G needle. I made the straps extra long so it could be put over the shoulder I reall just guaged it off on my body height. I attached the straps just by using a large sewing needle and some of the mint green yarn i really didn't do anything specials I just made sure it was on securely!
For attaching the front and back I just used a baby pink yarn and did single crochets attaching both parts together. I should have taken a picture on how to do this but its really simple you just make a starting loop that attachs both pieces and then you just single crochet through openings on both pieces. I didn't create side and bottom parts because I wanted this to be more of a sac than a purse.
It's really soft! And the colors are great for a baby girl or if you did like a light blue yarn around the edges it'd be great for a boy!
It's super easy I think I made it in four or so hours.
Oh! and with the ribbon I tied a bow and then to make sure it doens't come loose I'm going to sew a button through the center that way it says there forever, and just a little tip I left the ribbon loose so it had some give so it wasn't too tight if  there was a lot of stuff going in the bag.

Well there you have it! That's my diaper bag! It's really easy and doesn't take very long! and it's nice that you can do it in pieces so you don't get lost!
I really taught myself how to do a lot of this but if you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them!

I made an activity book!!

I made this activity book for my boyfriend Ryan. Since we are in a long distance relationship. Here is how I made it.
 The is the cover page, customize it any way you want. I also put Page 1... to show to turn to page 1.
 This is page 1.
This page I made a decoder. They're super easy to make you can look it up online if you don't understand it. But make sure when you come up with your message that it is correct, and give them one letter so that they know where to move it to.
The message a put was for him to move to page 7. I also wrote for him not to look on the other pages as he turns to each page.
Now I recommend for you to turn to page seven just so you get the gist of this. But make sure when you make this to mark the corners with the appropriate number.
Now go to page 7.

 This is page 2.
This is a look at page two I just put a small envelope on it and make the page look all cutesy or whatever. I also showed you what the puzzle peice looks like a little more on the picture below. Now that you grab the puzzle piece go back to page 7.

 This is page 3.Ok so now that the morse code is done, this is a fun one and it's also a little personal. Ryan and I love the show The Office and we both have netflix. So in this he has to go on netflix and go to The Office and select the season and then see what number episode 'local ad' is. You can do this with anything even a favorite book you guys have, like maybe a chapter or something.
This tells him to go to page 5. Lets scroll down there.

This is page 4.This is a fun page. I did a math equation. Now obviously if you do the math it equals 11 and that is the page you go to next. You can come up with a more difficult one if you know they are good at math, but in this case I'm barely good at math.

 This is page 5.Alright so on this page this is another personal thing, I was born in October and that is month 10 so I say to turn to that page. Now you could do this too and just change up the numbers or you could come up with something like maybe your favorite number is 10 or you started dating on the 10th of a month.
I'll see you on page 10.

This is page 6.
Yay! we are so close. Ok so this one was interesting. I made 4 questions, with 4 answers that all equaled a certain amount. You can do any questions you want but when they're done they should all equal the next page number. Ex. mine is:
20+15+9+19=63 now take the 63 and add the two number like:
6+3=9 Then go to page 9!!
 This is page 7.
Ok so now you they decoded page one and made it to page 7. What I did on this page was told him to go to page 2 to find the missing piece.
For the missing peice I took a different sheet of paper and cut a random puzzle shaped piece and wrote on the peice of paper and the puzzle at the same time so when you took away the puzzle you could only see a few letters. In the corner there you'll see the puzzle piece from page 2. I also put a piece of double sided tape with a cover on it from my crafting materials so that he could stick it there to read it.
Go to page 2 really quick to see what it looks like.
The secret message with the puzzle piece is to go to page 4. So lets go there next.
This is page 8.This is the final page. On here I put You Did It! But then I also wrote a message that I hid tiny letters on each page that gave another secret message, and if you can see i put a number underneath each line for each page. So you'll have to come up with a message that is 11 letters long not including the cover page. But this one is difficult because the letters are small and hidden all over I did this last and made sure I had each page correct.
This is the end of all the pages!!
 This is page 9.Okay! So almost there. I did something sappy and drew the infinity symbol and wrote under it. This is the symbol for infinity, what number does it look like? Go to that page.
If you turn it on it's size it looks like the number 8 so that's the page you go to. :-D
This is page 10.
Alright now once again this is personal but I graduated in 2008 so it says to choose the year I graduated. I made little piece of paper with covers over them that you can lift up to see a small message. Under '08 it says 'go to the year you graduated'. He graduated in 2006, so under the '06 one it says to turn to that page.
So now we'll go to page 6.
This is page 11.This page was super NEAT! I came up with the idea to use the visual morse code so he had to decode it. You can do this with another language too like french or german. There are tons of generators to translate english into another language or in this case morse code.
This tells him to turn to page 3. I'll see you up there.
So this is the end of the book and it was a blast to make and I'm sure it's a blast to do!! You can make this as personal as you want but I know you can make this for anyone even a friend you haven't seen in a while! Have fun and if you have questions you can always ask!